Some random things (from me too :D)
Expectations lead to disappointments. So true!
Does expecting anything from your loved ones is wrong? Not even for any basic things? And then what if everytime you get the disappointment only? Should we ignore it everytime?
What exactly should we do with any kind of our ‘expectations’? I am confused with this thing!
I have started getting infected by the ‘mood swing’ factor. Really... Sometimes I am so happy sometimes I am sad. Sometimes I am so patient sometimes so irritable. Don’t know what is to be called for this stage of the life *sigh*. I don’t want to change myself. I want to be the old Prachi which I was earlier! Always happy always patient about whatever the things were going on in my life. May be my expectations form my life were very less at that time. Now may be I expect something too much form everyone. And then can’t take the disappointments. Or may be I can not handle the things in life as I am growing up!
Just now when I was writing this no-sense (and not nonsense :D) material written above, I got the news that my PM’s mother passed away! She had cancer. I did not know much about how saviour the decease was. But my manager always used to be in a nice mood. He always used to talk to us about his family including his mother. He used to tell us about his experience in the hospital when he took his mother for chemotherapy. I never saw him in a sad or tensed mood. But yes.. inside he must be so worried.. so tensed.. so unhappy...
I am just feeling ashamed about myself. People have so many problems in their life but still they are happy. And I don’t have any problem in my life (atleast now), still I took up to write this crib post!!!
Does expecting anything from your loved ones is wrong? Not even for any basic things? And then what if everytime you get the disappointment only? Should we ignore it everytime?
What exactly should we do with any kind of our ‘expectations’? I am confused with this thing!
I have started getting infected by the ‘mood swing’ factor. Really... Sometimes I am so happy sometimes I am sad. Sometimes I am so patient sometimes so irritable. Don’t know what is to be called for this stage of the life *sigh*. I don’t want to change myself. I want to be the old Prachi which I was earlier! Always happy always patient about whatever the things were going on in my life. May be my expectations form my life were very less at that time. Now may be I expect something too much form everyone. And then can’t take the disappointments. Or may be I can not handle the things in life as I am growing up!
Just now when I was writing this no-sense (and not nonsense :D) material written above, I got the news that my PM’s mother passed away! She had cancer. I did not know much about how saviour the decease was. But my manager always used to be in a nice mood. He always used to talk to us about his family including his mother. He used to tell us about his experience in the hospital when he took his mother for chemotherapy. I never saw him in a sad or tensed mood. But yes.. inside he must be so worried.. so tensed.. so unhappy...
I am just feeling ashamed about myself. People have so many problems in their life but still they are happy. And I don’t have any problem in my life (atleast now), still I took up to write this crib post!!!
Prachi thats right...expectations lead to many disappointments. But as humand we do expect...atleast the basic ones and thats ok. But to expect alot from Life means sadness ahead. So dun expect too much...just go with the flow. And never expect ppl/things to make u happy. U have to happy from within. Then u can even live with nothing.
Im sorry abt ur PM's mum. Thats terrible. Yeah we have it alot better than many out there. So we must make the most of every single day and be cheerful for what we have. HUGGGGGGGZ n TC!
Keshi, at 21/3/07 10:15
Expecttations do lead to disappointments sometimes but it doesn't mean we stop expecting from our loved ones :) I agree with Keshi just go with the flow :)
Mood swinging Hmmmm...I heard it happens shadi sai pehlay :P
I'm so sorry to hear about your PM's mother...May God rest her in peace!
Stay Beautiful..!
Sugarlips, at 23/3/07 09:00
keshi.. I know.. i think I shud accept the world as it is. Then there is no pain :)
sugerlips: I think just go with the flow.. n don’t try to change anything.. This is the way to be happy all the time. Sad but true..
n yeah.. I think you r right about my mood swings :D. May is coming nearer!!
PrAcHi, at 26/3/07 16:04
I wouldn't be so anxious to have to old Prachi back.
People change all the time right? It's just the way things are. So you really can't avoid it, you just have to roll with the punches.
I say embrace the new Prachi. I know you aren't a fan of the new Prachi yet, but you really haven't had a lot of time to get to know her. Maybe once you do, you will feel differently...
AnonymousBlogger, at 27/3/07 04:00
u dun have to accept the world (ppl especially) as it is...just be content in the thought that u r special.
Keshi, at 27/3/07 06:09
AB: :). That was a sweet comment. Old and New both Prachis loved it! (yayyyyyy.. we have something in common!)
May be you are right. May be I was obsessed with the thought that ‘I shud always show that I am happy’.. The life was different then.. but now the things have change. I guess new Prachi has come, to come out of the protective world and survive in this world. Lets see.. no harm in giving her some time though :)
keshi: You always make me feel special :).
I have concluded: “Expecting something is never wrong, but expecting your ‘expectations’ to get fulfilled all the time, is wrong!” :D
PrAcHi, at 28/3/07 10:25
I suppose people go through occasional mood swings. You should get over them. If not, you get pills that you can pop down.
Anonymous, at 28/3/07 11:40
thats so wise of ya Prachi. I learnt something great today, tnxx!
Keshi, at 28/3/07 11:41
U voiced my sentiments...wish I cld back to the way I was...sigh!
Ekta, at 28/3/07 17:51
hey Prachi..i think u r a very sensitive girl..baba if u think a lot u will have a feeling of alertness bout everything let the things moving there own way..enjoy life the way it is..the MOMENTS are there but u have to find that REALLY..!!gd dy.
Harmony, at 29/3/07 15:49
Im here now Prachi:)
Keshi, at 3/4/07 07:58
pravin: You get pill to get over of mood swing?? Thanks for the info. I didn’t knew this :P.
keshi: :). And I am glad you are back. I missed ya!
ekta: Hay.. we all go thru this right? How are you sweetie?
Pankaj: I am sensitive. But what to do. We cant change our basic nature :(.. But yeah.. learning slowly to find nice moments in life.. And guess what.. Life is not that bad as I was thinking!
PrAcHi, at 4/4/07 16:14
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